This is the slowest and the most boring short film according to my classmates and for the BMW made films but for me, this is the best short from BMW films aside from my second favorite, entitled beat the devil, starring my favorite artist Marilyn Manson but anyways, I’d like to focus with my chosen short. This short is directed by Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu last January 2001 entitled Powder keg. Powder keg is small barrel used to hold gunpowder or blasting powder or a tense situation that may easily erupt into violence and I can say that the title is pretty much related for whole meaning of the story.
The film starts with a group of terrorist killing their slaves somewhere in Mexico and it reminds me the movie of Leonardo di Caprio, blood diamond, the mood of this film is the same compared to powder keg and it’s like the continuation of blood diamond movie. Harvey Jacobs is photojournalist and I can relate to him through his shots, he witnessed the last massacre that he saw and he took a shot and for all the shot that he made and printed for his article, none of his subjects (victims who asked help for him) is being rescued by his hand. He ran away and was wounded. When the united nations knew what happened, they sent a professional driver (Clive Owen). When they were on the road going home to US, they are being followed by a jeep and a helicopter (terrorist), and they escaped but on the end of the road. Terrorist checkpoint waits for them. Before